

Elsabe Manning’s training courses are designed to improve your team’s communication, collaboration, productivity and customer service.

Disciplinary Hearings

We chair disciplinary hearings at very reasonable rates, and we provide our findings, in writing, within 24 hours.

Labour Consulting

We consult for companies and domestic employers alike. The Basic Conditions Of Employment Act and Labour Relations Act is applicable to all employers and employees in South Africa.

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AUTHENTICITY The dictionary defines authentic as: ‘genuine,’ ‘real,’ ‘trustworthy’ and ‘undisputedly credible.’ Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be viewed as genuine and real and therefore trustworthy and undisputedly credible? Being your authentic self means that you are...

Coaching & Counselling For Teens

Is your teen under-performing or rebelling? There are many reasons why a teenager would under-perform or rebel. The problem may be motivation; unhappiness; feeling misunderstood or unloved; dysfunctional or difficult relationships with important people in their lives...

Job Seekers

Your CV should be very professional. No spelling mistakes. No grammar mistakes. South African spelling. Good layout. All bullet points and numbers should be in line with each other – not all over the show. Don’t say: “references available on request.” List your...


Explain why you say no. Don’t say: “Because I said so!” They want and deserve an explanation. Explaining to your child why you want them to do something, or why you don’t want them to do something, explains the value of it. Once your child understands your reason,...


AFFIRMATIONS Affirmations were used successfully by Dr Emil Coué around the 1880’s to help alcoholics and drug abusers to overcome their destructive habits. Affirmations are widely used to help people to form new positive beliefs about themselves and to achieve...


RESOLVING CONFLICT Resolving conflict depends, more than anything, on communication. We want to be heard by someone else firstly because we believe that we can make that person understand and accept our point of view, and we believe that they will come to the same...


PROFESSIONALISM IN THE WORKPLACE ‘PROFESSIONALISM’ is the term used to describe the internationally accepted standards or expectations that society has of people’s conduct and levels of competence in the workplace. These standards of conduct are set by society,...


CARING AND COMPASSION People who are placed in positions of authority—especially people in management positions in organisations—may sometimes show a lack of compassion toward other people, because they may be experiencing a subconscious feeling of superiority and...


Acknowledge your weaknesses and shortcomings as an imperfect parent and resolve to work on it. You don’t have all the answers and you won’t always get it right, but you can do better every time something goes wrong. Learn from your mistakes and fix it. Do better next...


BODY LANGUAGE We constantly communicate with each other—even non-verbally (without talking). In fact 60 to 80 per cent of our communication is non-verbal; only seven to ten per cent is attributable to the actual words of a conversation. Your mood, emotion, energy...


  • Success Factory won Business Acquisition’s Business Excellence Award 2020 as the ‘Best Business Coaching Consultancy in South Africa.’
  • Success Factory won Excellence Business Acquisition’s Business Award 2019 as the ‘Best Business Coaching Consultancy – Gauteng’
  • Elsabé was selected as one of The Most Inspirational Women of South Africa of 2012 as featured in Volume 2.
  • Success Factory won The 2006 Mijima Award!
  • Winner of the  2004 GreenPepper Enterprise Award which is awarded to South African companies that  excelled in their industries, created economic growth or new job opportunities for the people of South Africa


Professionalism In The Workplace

by Elsabe Manning

A practical guide to what true professionalism and competence entails, this book guides one through all manner of business interactions, from how to conduct oneself professionally while meeting with people from other cultures to the often overlooked rules of e-etiquette. Topics include: time management, networking, self-sabotage, travel etiquette and dressing for success.


The course presented by Elsabe to our front-line staff who deal with customer relations issues on a daily basis was filled with insight and assisted greatly in enhancing staff attitudes and behaviour, to be more professional in the workplace. Special mention has to be made of the personal and interactive style in which the course is done, which staff not only enjoyed, but also related to very well. Standard Bank would recommend the course to any Business who wished to achieve a higher understanding of what professionalism is about, and what it is not. Perfect grounding material for an improved image for staff who deal with customers every day.

Barbara Cleary – Standard Bank

I am an executive of a listed company in Johannesburg and must admit that I was nervous and felt very vulnerable at the prospect of running a workshop like this. I knew that there were a number of issues to resolve around my leadership and that there were team members who simply tolerated me and barely spoke to each other. We needed someone we could trust to help us rebuild the strong relationships we once had so that we could start trusting each other and move forward as a team again. Elsabé is amazing. She created a safe environment for everyone to speak without fear of consequences. She helped us to rebuild the team through open communication and real collaboration so that we are once again totally commitment to each other and the organisation. We left the workshop having set team goals and objectives which are aligned to the organisation’s goals and objectives. Thank you Elsabé. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Phillipa Carr